Thursday, November 4, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. This week's soup was a smash hit Roasted accor squash with garden veggies and Chicken with mixed beans and veggies. This is important because last week was a different crew on at the hospital and now that I know both rotations like the soup I know I can make a go of it. A buddy even pointed out that it is totally legal to sell food to friends without all of the legal business stuff like commercial kitchens and blah blah. I hope that is true however, even if it is not, I am going to continue gambling because it is starting to make a dent in the bill for the man's holiday gift and as soon as I can get that taken care of I can get on with the rest of the things I need to figure out how to pay for. Anyway, take home message is SOUP IS GOOD! It is good for your body and spirit and for my mind and wallet. EAT SOUP!

2. The man built a shed! He is HAAAAAANDY! I knew it was in him but was unsure how deep down it was buried. He started scheming over a month ago and today his man buddies came over and together, they built a huge, very cool, very well crafted wood shed. I should state for the record that he had all but the roof completed yesterday and the man clan just helped with the roof which would have been do-able but not very pretty alone... The Man has great friends. They are neighborhood guys who either work with me at the ED or have wives who work with me. They are a solid, sweet, nerdy, freakishly handy, studly bunch. They do roofs, they play bingo and they all love muts. I took them a pot of coffee this morning and as I was carrying the tray out to the yard I caught myself in the midst of a 40's housewife moment. My reaction was to set the tray down and say to the Man Clan "Don't get any ideas, I just don't want you tracking shit in the house" Grumble, stomp off back to clean the bathroom...Oh Anna! You are such a conflicted little freak!

3.Compression socks....I am wondering if these bad boys might not help me feel better. I have been compressing and icing for the past few days and the compression feels really good. I am going to see what the PT says tomorrow but some zippy new leg sleeves might be in my future. I just want to run already! This whole injured not injured thing is for the birds!

1 comment:

  1. I bought some compression tights for my runs when I was having problems with my quad/hamstring. I can't say how much they helped, but they definitely didn't hurt. I ended up having to wear a neoprene wrap under the compression tights, which worked well for me. I would definitely look into it for your shins!!
