Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shin splints and shitty days

I have been really sidelined by my shinsplints the last few days. I actually stopped a run and got in the car the other night because walking and running were just too much pain. I am pretty bummed. I went to the doctor today and he is a reformed chubby runner who has overcome much of what I find myself struggling through. It is a nice relationship. I feel understood, respected and heard when I go see him. He is funny. He is very supportive. I loves him!

So, as I was being checked in by the medical assistant she put me on the scale and as she slid the weight up, and up, and up finally arriving at my weight she looked at me and said, "Dang girl, where do you keep it?! You don't even really have a booty!" It was hilarious! She instantly, embarassedly caught herself and reverted back to professional mode apologizing. I told her no need and continued to giggle as she continued to, very earnestly, tell me she was shocked and that I wore my pounds well. I told her thank you and informed her that no matter what the scale said it was 4lbs less than it was a week ago when I started the WW. Yep! You heard me! F_O_U_R! And I have even had my fill of Halloween candy! I know that every week will not be like this but it feels so good to know that it can actually happen even if it doesn't happen quickly all of the time. It is a nice little jump start.

The doc warned me about the WW nebulous calorie counting methods for activity points and that it will be beneficial to operate under the 1 point for every 300kC burned. I think I need to look into one of those calorie counter watches....Hmmm. Anyway, he referred me to a physical therapist and I will see them the day after tomorrow. I am pissed and bummed and frightened that I am going to have to give up or modify the one thing I felt like I had control over right now. Whoo, I don't want to talk or think to much about it right now or I will be back in the sob fest I had last night....Needless to say more on this as things progress... but for now, please keep fingers crossed that there is a magic PT bullet. I need my running right now.

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