Friday, November 26, 2010

Three Things Thanksgiving

So yesterday was the best day! I spent the night before at a holiday party hosted by some neighbors who are also work buddies from the hospital. It was, as their parties usually are, a really great time spent packed into their kitchen with 20 other people while the huge living room is mostly empty. I don't know what it is about Jordi and Ember's house but parties ALWAYS happen in the kitchen. It was a blast. There was a lot of delicious food and I ate some of everything I wanted including some baked spinach dip and mac and cheese. I didn't go hog wild though and it was good. I wasn't denying myself anything, instead I focused on portion control.

The next morning I woke up (only sightly hung over) and put on my arctic running tights for the Turkey Trot with JC up at the zoo. I was nervous about running with J but I had run with her on the very last leg of her 50K this fall and knew that if nothing else, she was a kind spirit. So, we met up and ran the hills between the zoo and the gardens. It was sort of killer to get to the bottom of this brutal hill and then turn around and run back up it. I swallowed my pride and walked in a few places. I decided that my goal was to run a fun race in such a way that I could feel uninjured and ready to at least work out the next day. Mission accomplished. I must admit that at one point I thought I saw the finish and I started pouring it on. My legs were flying. It was not the finish line at all. We probably had 1/2 mile left to go. It was the entrance to the zoo. Well, that was a confidence blow as then my legs began to feel like they were cast in jello molds. Anyway, we had a great finish and laughed and chatted the whole run. It felt really great to have a buddy to run with and to feel like it was easy to talk and to be myself. This may sound totally silly but especially when it comes to my running or working out, I am so self conscious. I don't want to seem fat or slow or silly. I want to seem like a runner. I totally felt like a runner yesterday and it was a great confidence boost to get me through the rest of the day.

The Man and I went to his Uncle Al's house for (my 3rd) family thanksgiving. There was a metric TON of food and lots of love and laughter as there always is at these events. It is usually Uncle Al, Grandpa, Momma, Dad, Sister A, TheMan and myself. It is nice to be included and to see that the traditions are very similar to my family traditions. It makes it easier. I realized yesterday that this was my 3rd Turkey with them and will be my 3rd Christmachaunuka this year as well. I am so very fortunate to have married into a really loving and sweet family. I am not even going to GO into how much I miss my family at the holidays but it is a LOT so having similar celebrations with this part of the family is nice.

I spoke to both of my parents and exchanged email with my brother who live is London yesterday. I miss them but it is more than that. My parents divorced when I was an "adult" in college. They sold the house and began lives with their respective partners. My childhood memories of holidays are totally intact. It is just that they are unreachable now. I never had to go through the shared holidays or anything like that as a kid. Instead, it is more like I just can ever go back there.... not with my husband or my own children in the future. It makes it bittersweet. I said I wasn't going to focus on this a ton and I won't but I will throw in that 3 years ago I never would have imagined the possibility of a "family" holiday of any sort where my brother and I would be sitting celebrating over a meal with both of my parents. This fall at my wedding all of that changed. My parents and their partners were all so wonderful and were having such a genuinely lovely time together that something shifted and while it may be a geographical challenge, all of them have said something to the effect of expressing a desire to spend a "family" holiday all together in some form soon. So, I hold out hope that we can make that happen.

I managed to eat just one plate and not to stack anything. I ate slowly and enjoyed my food, I got rid of most of the left overs by sending them to work with G, and I ran my race before dinner and walked the dogs for 45min after dinner. I think I will make it through this season and still manage to lose weight. I certainly hope so anyway....

Ok, that was my day.... Here are the things I am thankful for...

1. Community. I never would have dreamt 3 1/2 years ago when I moved out here, that I would have such beautiful community all around me. It is as minor as the people I see every day at the grocery store and as deep and wide as the new family of neighbors I find myself a part of. It is the crew who buys my soup and the friend of a friend who helps teach me the finer points of canning. In an ever less personal and connected world I am finding myself more connected and more enriched by those around me. For that I am grateful.

2. My Family. This year has been hard. My family (ALL of them) is what got me (us) through it all. They put aside personal issues and stepped up with love and assistance. They overcame personal hurdles to help G and I over some pretty friggin' HUGE ones of our own. They continue to show me unconditional love and support. I have the most wonderful family.

3. My husband. I know he is often the recipient of my thank you shout outs but I truly couldn't do what I do without him. He is the cream in my coffee. Everything is richer and more lovely with him by my side. He makes me strong, helps me when I am weak, supports my efforts and listens to help me clarify my intentions. He is a wonderful man and a really fantastic best friend. I sound all smooshy and gross but I am one lucky bunny.

I hope turkey treated everyone well. I am headed to the gym to try an ensure that the turkey and stuffing and gravy and mac and cheese and coffee cake don't stay for long.... What are you thankful for?

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