Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Secret Soup....

I have decided to start a little underground soup operation. I am making homemade soups and taking them in to my work peeps who will pay me for the yummy creations. It is a gigantic government nightmare I am sure. No oversight of my kitchen, no current food handler's card, no inspections or taxes?! That's right folks I am a renegade soup chef here in the hood! Delivering healthy, delicious, simple food to those who stay up all night to watch over us all. I am such a rebel. Instead of Bob Marley's "Soul Rebel" I am a Soup Rebel....with a cause! Anyway, I made the previously mentioned veggie stock and then got crackin' on my two soups for the night. The first is a roasted butternut, potato, broccoli soup. All vegetarian with a little condensed milk and about a 1/5 stick of butter to saute the veggies and roast the squash. This soup is brought to you by the letter B for BLENDER!!!! We received a new blender for the wedding and it has become a very frequent player on my soup making team. The next soup is the omnivore's dish. Fisherman's chowder. A family recipe passed on to me over the generations and over the iphone from my mother's partner .... It is a very traditional Maine Haddock chowder with one twist...Seasonings! God bless New England but damn! Their chowders are so friggen' bland! This one is NOT. This one passed the picky man fish test. I am pretty proud of it. Corn, potato, onion, celery, carrot, white fish, condensed milk, seasonings, bay leaves, olive oil and again, a little butter maybe 1/4 stick for the veggies. Anyway, giant steaming pots of soup! I am proud. We will have to see how people like it. We will have to see how far I get. Wish me luck on the eve of Secret Soup: The journey of a soup rebel....


  1. Yum, yum, yum. Sounds delish, and I wish that I lived closer so that I could partake!! Maybe I will have to start something similar up here on the mountain :)

  2. Or I can start delivering a quart of each via the melnick to quarters every week....just a thought?

  3. Hmmm... I like how you think! We can discuss tomorrow when we're making you breakfast in exchange for a bed tonight :)
