Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hello and Welcome

I am very excited about this blog. I feel like saying to the world "Thanks for having me". It has been a whirl wind year and I am finally getting a chance to catch my breath and reflect instead of react to my life and my world.

I married my best friend one week ago yesterday in front of our family and friends in a heartbreakingly lovely ceremony here in OR. It POURED rain! If rain is luck we are set! I will post photos and reflections on that whole adventure as soon as I get some space around it myself. It was easily the most emotional weekend of my life and that is saying something for me as I am an emotional little monkey.

I am starting this blog with the intention to not only reflect upon my current station in life but to try to push myself to explore living more sustainably while remaining "mainstream". I want to learn better more environmentally friendly ways to clean my house and feed my family. I want to work on saving money and becoming more self sufficient in the home improvement department. My husband (henceforth referred to as "the man") and I are both excited to learn how to care for and maintain our new addition, a 1929 bungalow.

I intend to do some serious reflecting on the wedding in part as I have several dear girlfriends going through the planning year and I feel rather full of advice yet don't wish to flood any of them with my well intentioned yet largely unsolicited advice. I will use you dear blog witnesses as my sounding boards. I look forward to posting recipes and home tips as well as accounts of my **fingers crossed** new life as a paramedic and wife. I will process my friends having babies and adopting pets as well as personal family events and current world affairs. All I ask of you is to consider communicating with me. Post a link or pose a question. Disagree with me or cheer me on. If something upsets you please please please write to me. If not on the post then send me an email. Don't let something you read on the Internet drive an angry splinter beneath your thumbnail. That hurts and makes people cranky and unreasonable. Join me or just sit back and watch. Welcome to the stream and here goes my attempt at homesteading.

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