Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why is this the longest week ever?

I am officially 37w4d today.  Its great because I can go into labor at any time now and I am good to stay home.  That was always the goal and now that we are there I am cleared for take off.  That said I am feeling super conflicted.  I am feeling all panic-ey that if I go before my due date it is going to screw up my "schedule" and I am afraid I don't want to go back to work so somehow if I go into labor now I will be going back sooner....Its sort of crazy but its how I feel.  I feel like if I can make it to 39wks it will be better?  I am also harboring this feeling that I am a bad pregnant lady if go into labor before my due date.  I feel like it means I didn't keep my baby in for the whole time....Pure crazy...I am aware.

I woke up last night with cramps and have had them on and off all morning.  I feel sort of quiet and cranky today.  The baby has totally dropped down.  My belly looks very different than it has up to this point.  It is all very encouraging.  I am not sure if I said anything about it but the midwives told me that the baby was posterior after the home visit.  I have thus been doing all sorts of hands and knees time and working to get him/her turned back to front with me.  There is definitely a butt on the right side of my belly now which is very comforting.

I went to see the acupuncturist last night.  I went to see the guy who used to treat my shinsplints.  He is so very zen and mellow.  It was really a trippy experience.  He asked me "So are you clear for induction".  Hearing it out loud was really like a slap to my head.  I AM.  That's the crazy part.  Since acupuncture can be a very gentle augmentation in the final weeks I AM clear for induction.  There isn't really another word for it other than induction it just had a lot of other meanings that are well....icky to me.

Anyway, I felt so sleepy and relaxed.  I was talking to the baby as I sat there in the chair.  I could feel the baby moving after the needles were all placed.  The baby turned and moved down a little.  I was using some positive visualization and I was telling the baby that whenever they are ready we can do this together.  I told them I don't know how to do this yet but I will follow their lead and I will keep them safe.  I promised to be strong and to protect them.  I visualized G catching the baby and all three of us snuggling for the first time.  I told the baby that there is no rush, but I am so very excited to meet them.  I felt like it was a pretty powerful conversation.  I certainly felt like there was understanding and connection.  In fact, as I write this the baby is moving about a lot and I like to think it is because we understand each other and we are getting ready to do this together, as a team.  The baby will let me know what to do.  The baby is my guide.  I am just the vessel.  I need to keep things safe, warm, strong and loving and the baby will tell me what to do.

I have decided that this baby is an old soul.  It explains why everything has happened so quickly and effortlessly.  They know the drill and I am really just the one they chose to come through.  I KNOW this sounds wicked hippie-dippy but its more and more how I feel about this little one.  I don't know how to do this stuff but the calm I feel comes from feeling the guiding hand of the spirit inside of me.  This little person wants ME to learn through THEM, how to grow a person, how to labor and give birth, how to be a mom, how to let go.  I am about to meet my teacher and I am so honored and excited.

In the mean time I am feeling both impatient and guilty for my impatience.  From one moment to the next I feel sixteen different emotions and motivations.  It is confusing in here.  I hope, I trust that the little one inside of me has the answers and holds the key to this whole thing.  That comforts me.  I do know how to trust this soul.  I have been trusting them to be my guide all along.

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