Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Body Unknown

As someone who has struggled with body image pretty much as long as I can remember being self aware, I must admit that I am really curious?/worried?/uncertain....yes, uncertain, about what my body will be like after this baby arrives.  I have stretch marks climbing up from my pelvis and it makes me sad.  I am fearful that I will look like a deflated balloon from the midsection down.  I love how round and healthy and "full" I look right now and I am afraid I won't like my body once I am alone in here.  I know it takes time and I have friends who are celebrating first birthdays of their tiny ones, who look great and are below their pre-baby weight.  I just worry....  It seems cruel that just when you are your most tired, freaked out and physically vulnerable you are also your most physically dynamic and in transition.  It seems that I will be embracing a great deal of groundlessness this next 3 months....I should probably go meditate right now while the spark is hot.  More on this later....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I've been struggling with it too. You're not alone. I lost the weight and the big uterus pretty quickly, but I ain't never gonna look like I used to. I miss the big round pregnant beautiful and full of life feeling. But it's worth it and shit, for sure. I am super extra looking forward to being pregnant again.
