Monday, December 5, 2011

Maternity Photography

So, because my midwives are super rad and everyone loves them there is a very talented local photographer who already has lovely prices for a "grow" session (maternity/newborn) but is now also offering 20% off her already awesome prices for Vivante customers. Yay!

So, this leads me to think about what kind of photography I would want. Looking at a bunch of portfolios so much of it looks the same. Even more striking is that so much of it looks "sexy". I get that pregnancy is a "sensual time". Sure, you are peeing your pants, sweating, farting, burping, having heartburn, craving strange food, exhausted more often than you notice and nearly unable to roll yourself over in bed. It is the peak of sexy in my book. Now, don't get me wrong. I am into sex right now. Thank you hormones of second trimester for that one. I think it is payback for my sweet hubbs being so patient during first tri. "C'mon honey. Getting pregnant will be fun. It will take MONTHS of unprotected sex...." Fast forward to "Honey, I know it has been like 2 weeks since we have had sex but I just finished throwing up and I super need a nap...rain check?" Anyway, yeah, sexy maternity photos just don't really seem to sum up what I personally feel about my body and my life right now.

No, what I want out of some maternity pictures is POWER. I feel like a superhero right now. Since this is my personal blog I can toot my own horn a bit. I feel like a friggen' bad ass. I am MAKING A F_ING PERSON INSIDE MY BODY RIGHT NOW!! I am expanding daily to give them more room to grow. I feel them bopping around in there and they seem very strong and very healthy. As oddly shaped as I am right now I feel beautiful. Not "hey big boy" beautiful but like I am the moon in a winter sky beautiful. Round and smooth and perfectly proportioned. I don't have any sharp edges or parts that seem out of place. Sure, the back fat could take a hike but really, when I am in my birthday suit you can't tell its there. I want pictures that show how powerful I feel. Even if my feet swell and my pants sag and I have oddly combination skin right now, I feel beautiful. I don't know how this will translate into pictures but I doubt it will be with some drapey fabric and my hands in a heart over my belly....To each his own but that just doesn't feel like me right now. I want to be standing in silhouette on a mountain top somewhere....yeah, Oregon in winter...I know. But that is the gist of it. So, there you have it. My musings on maternity pics. This week marks the official end of second trimester. I will be 28 weeks on Friday. Holy shmoly! Where does the time go?

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